competitive matches and clan wars
=The General=
Posts: 6604


Post#1 » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:36 am


I was just feeling it on chillout. Should have recorded dat one. hs after hs. Scene sat by and saw me rape.

Scene had a nice convo with the Cakes guy afterwards that I hope he posts.

Posts: 1621

Re: {ALB}

Post#2 » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:39 am

he goes afk in game and says hes getting a new partner, me and erosion quit cus we got bored.

[23:22] {ALB}Cakes: info
[23:22] [XK]Scene=XK=: were done
[23:22] {ALB}Cakes: i told you i was getin my guy
[23:23] [XK]Scene=XK=: ok
[23:23] [XK]Scene=XK=: well were done
[23:23] {ALB}Cakes: LOL
[23:24] {ALB}Cakes: you fear us i was carry big time i got my good guy on now
[23:24] {ALB}Cakes: now i know why pll talk shit about you guys
[23:24] [XK]Scene=XK=: lol are u serious?
[23:25] [XK]Scene=XK=: we already raped u 2 times
[23:25] [XK]Scene=XK=: were done
[23:25] [XK]Scene=XK=: ur bad
[23:25] [XK]Scene=XK=: get good
[23:25] {ALB}Cakes: lol
[23:25] [XK]Scene=XK=: RAGE QUIT
[23:26] {ALB}Cakes: i was carry let play now you fear us ? what wrong tell your buddy that
[23:26] {ALB}Cakes: he was mad b/c he sux and he know it he was like i hate being carry and he quit
[23:27] {ALB}Cakes: that show alot about xk lol
[23:27] <Requesting file transfer. Waiting for response>
[23:27] [XK]Scene=XK=: tell me how thats considered u carrying ur partner
[23:27] [XK]Scene=XK=: ur an idiot
[23:27] [XK]Scene=XK=: lol
[23:28] [XK]Scene=XK=: the ppl who talk bad about xk are mad cus they cant beat us
[23:28] [XK]Scene=XK=: neither can u
[23:28] [XK]Scene=XK=: bunch of immature little kids
[23:28] {ALB}Cakes: you think im dum it a viruses
[23:28] {ALB}Cakes: i got a video of me ownting xk both of them on rr then heh
[23:28] {ALB}Cakes: with ur guy in it lol
[23:28] <File transfer rejected>
[23:29] [XK]Scene=XK=: show me vid plz
[23:29] [XK]Scene=XK=: add my friend
[23:29] [XK]Scene=XK=: sonu89
[23:29] [XK]Scene=XK=: thats erosion
[23:29] {ALB}Cakes: i dontr have time for him ill upload when im done with my video
[23:30] [XK]Scene=XK=: ur jokes
[23:30] [XK]Scene=XK=: get good
[23:30] [XK]Scene=XK=: go back to halo 1.04
[23:30] {ALB}Cakes: u will see lol
[23:30] {ALB}Cakes: it all here
[23:30] [XK]Scene=XK=: kk
[23:32] {ALB}Cakes: watchin it ask him lej
[23:32] {ALB}Cakes: noting but hs o god sad
[23:32] [XK]Scene=XK=: lol
[23:33] [XK]Scene=XK=: who did u play on that vid?
[23:33] {ALB}Cakes: you will see
[23:33] {ALB}Cakes: 2v2 so i can make a other one ? with you in it ?
[23:34] [XK]Scene=XK=: lol
[23:34] [XK]Scene=XK=: ur jokes man
[23:34] [XK]Scene=XK=: ur so annoying
[23:34] [XK]Scene=XK=: just shh
[23:34] {ALB}Cakes: death too in it my video lol all i neeed is you
[23:34] [XK]Scene=XK=: show me vid plzzz
[23:34] [XK]Scene=XK=: then ill play u
[23:35] {ALB}Cakes: too long
[23:35] {ALB}Cakes: wich one
[23:35] {ALB}Cakes: rr or heh they both around 20 min
[23:35] [XK]Scene=XK=: the vid of u raping us
[23:35] [XK]Scene=XK=: rr
[23:36] {ALB}Cakes: play then ill upload the rr one
[23:36] [XK]Scene=XK=: no upload then we will play, we already raped you 2 matches ina row, it was boring.
[23:37] {ALB}Cakes: ok then 1v1 see if you can rape me then
[23:37] [XK]Scene=XK=: after you show me the video ill play you
[23:37] {ALB}Cakes: good night
[23:37] [XK]Scene=XK=: good night, sweet dreams <3
[23:38] {ALB}Cakes: it would be on youtube in a few week by now
[23:38] [XK]Scene=XK=: k link me when its up
[23:39] {ALB}Cakes: yea n00b
[23:39] [XK]Scene=XK=: :+}
nick weekie of langer home alonez says:
i heard a song on a radio that reminded me of scene and i jizzed in my pants


=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: {ALB}

Post#3 » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:42 am


Didn't see some of that. Kid is so horrible he was carrying?? Not from those screenshots. I tried to add this kid but he kept rejecting me :( :(

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