This Chick I 1v1ed

video clips from the Halo community.
=The General=
Posts: 6604

This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#1 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:27 am

She thought she was really good and mentioned players I had never heard of as being the best halo players ever. No real effects, just threw some music in there. ... einfo.html

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=The General=
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Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#2 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:52 pm

We should get her in xk. Srysly

Since gurlx has been inactive, misbake is probably getting awfully lonely being the only one of it's kind.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#3 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:10 pm

[XK]Mátêrìã wrote: misbake is probably getting awfully lonely being the only one of it's kind.


She actually did ask how she can join XK, I think I gave her link to forums. I forget.

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Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#4 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:02 pm

othav: hi
[22:29] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: hey yourself
[22:29] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: how are you?
[22:29] [XK]nothav: well I saw you lost to erosion 25-0
[22:30] [XK]nothav: And u made some comments how I wasn't nice to you
[22:30] [XK]nothav: Quite frankly we needed a second person to come into the server
[22:30] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea it was more like me testing his playing ability on halo
[22:30] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: just a friendly match
[22:30] [XK]nothav: No it wasnt
[22:30] [XK]nothav: You lost bad and now you're making excuses
[22:30] [XK]nothav: I have never beaten anyone 25-0
[22:30] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: thif you say so
[22:30] [XK]nothav: As for comments pertaining to me, I asked you to come into a halo server
[22:30] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i wasnt playing in the match
[22:30] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and if i lose then yes i would admit it
[22:30] [XK]nothav: Oh so who played?
[22:31] [XK]nothav: Was it it ur cousins?
[22:31] [XK]nothav: Was rusty playing?
[22:31] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i was testing out his ablilities to see how he plays but some would think that was weird
[22:31] [XK]nothav: How old are you?
[22:31] [XK]nothav: 11?
[22:31] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope
[22:31] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: quite older
[22:31] [XK]nothav: And you don't know how to respond in teamspeak when i ask you for to come into a halo server?
[22:32] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: oh i do
[22:32] [XK]nothav: well I think i asked you about 8 times
[22:32] [XK]nothav: and you just sat there
[22:32] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: but thing about you from what i hear is that you're an asshole to anyone that you talk too
[22:32] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: correct me if im wrong
[22:32] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: but that was the impression i got from you
[22:32] [XK]nothav: You're correct
[22:32] [XK]nothav: Very smart asian lady
[22:32] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nice
[22:33] [XK]nothav: With those brains you can work in a massage parlor
[22:33] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and you're an asshole to 2 people becuase?
[22:33] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: you're hiding behind a monitor and a microphone and you can just do that?
[22:33] [XK]nothav: I'm not really you just sat in teamspeak when i asked you nicely to come into a halo server
[22:33] [XK]nothav: and didn't respond like a retard child
[22:33] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: well i dont know you
[22:33] [XK]nothav: ???
[22:33] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: so im careful about online things
[22:34] [XK]nothav: Do you need to have a full online crash course of who I am to help me play a game of hali?
[22:34] [XK]nothav: halo*
[22:34] [XK]nothav: Must you commit yourself fully to knowingmy identity before hand?
[22:34] [XK]nothav: Lol
[22:34] [XK]nothav: brb
[22:35] [XK]nothav: Ya you're right be careful I may rob and assault you if ur not careful
[22:35] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: no i quite know the ins and out of halo
[22:35] [XK]nothav: No you don
[22:35] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: right
[22:35] [XK]nothav: you lost 25-0
[22:35] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: you could but you wouldnt
[22:35] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and so what people lose worse
[22:35] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: its just a fucking game get over yourself
[22:35] [XK]nothav: All of xk could be beat you 25-0
[22:35] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont care if i lost
[22:36] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: this is how i play people to see how they play
[22:36] [XK]nothav: How big are your tits?
[22:36] [XK]nothav: They look big
[22:36] [XK]nothav: Nice and round
[22:36] [XK]nothav: ?
[22:36] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea wouldnt you like to know you should change your name to xk assholle or douche bag
[22:36] [XK]nothav: That's a good one
[22:36] [XK]nothav: You make good ones
[22:37] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: remember you started this with me which i dont care
[22:37] [XK]nothav: of course I did you said I was an asshole
[22:37] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: just a game little man
[22:37] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: its not my life
[22:37] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: maybe yours but not mine
[22:37] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: all in fun and halo
[22:38] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i lost so what im not shitting my pants like zagan would
[22:38] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i ddint say i was the greatest player in halo
[22:38] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im good yes but their are others are there who are better and i know that
[22:38] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and im saying this in a mature way possible
[22:39] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: seeing too many clans and the peope lin it have egos shitting out their asses when its a game and has nothign to do with life or any effect on it just means you have alittle bit too much time on your hands
[22:40] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: if harassing girls is fun fo ryou i feel sorry for what you're mother raised seriously.
[22:41] [XK]nothav: No harassing bad halo players is bad
[22:41] [XK]nothav: and no you're not good
[22:41] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: well i hope this cear any misunderstanding up seeing i dont care nor put any effeort into a 1v1 i knew i could or could not better i guess i lose for strategizing to see how a person ablility is in hal woopy do heheheh its funn yto even have this convo with you becuas eim not as up about it as you are.
[22:41] [XK]nothav: But you do have breast
[22:41] [XK]nothav: Breast you do have.
[22:41] [XK]nothav: How about them
[22:41] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: if you say im not good then im not good
[22:42] [XK]nothav: Yes i am the judge of halo
[22:42] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im good enough to win games and 1v1 if i encounter any
[22:42] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i just said others migth be better
[22:42] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: you make it seem like i said iw as better than him
[22:42] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: when i never said it
[22:42] [XK]nothav: You said u were good
[22:42] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: get your head out your ass and grow up hun
[22:42] [XK]nothav: Do you want to see a picture of me?
[22:42] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea i am
[22:43] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and then there is someone who is better
[22:43] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: the thing about you xk's is that you think you'r ebetter than everyone when just like you there is a clan or person who can beat you wether team or 1v1
[22:43] [XK]nothav: Again you're terrible
[22:43] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: thank you
[22:43] [XK]nothav: U wanna see a picture of me?
[22:43] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: for the compliment
[22:43] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: sure why not
[22:44] <Requesting file transfer. Waiting for response>
[22:45] <Uploading file me.jpg>
[22:45] <Completed uploading file me.jpg >
[22:45] [XK]nothav: I'm so cute
[22:45] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: awesome
[22:45] [XK]nothav: aren't I cuteeee?
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yeap never knew your mother was a horse
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and she gave birth to a jackass
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: quite entertaining
[22:46] [XK]nothav: ur probably rubbing urself to dat one
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i doubt it
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: lol
[22:46] [XK]nothav: smells like chofun down there huh
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i doubt that as well
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: ol
[22:47] [XK]nothav: anyway good luck with the black lotus clan
[22:47] [XK]nothav: I'll see you on the battlefields my slanty eyed friend
[22:47] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: thanks i would hope so some day
[22:48] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: my douche bag buddy
[22:48] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: =)
[22:48] [XK]nothav: U GOT ME GUD THERE
[22:48] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: hehehe
[22:48] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: no biggie
[22:48] [XK]nothav: I called you a slant
[22:49] [XK]nothav: that's pretty offensive
[22:49] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and i call you a douchebg
[22:49] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nothing gets to me
[22:49] [XK]nothav: man that is a great counter
[22:49] [XK]nothav: stix and stones huh
[22:49] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: someitmes its best to not let anything bothe ryou
[22:49] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: afterall we'll never see each other
[22:49] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: its funny how some kids on halo get some worked up over a game
[22:49] [XK]nothav: No I go to massage parlor a lot
[22:49] [XK]nothav: I probably get jerked off by ur cousin
[22:49] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: but hey halo rule the lives of many (zagan)
[22:50] [XK]nothav: If you showed me some titties I'd get worked up
[22:50] [XK]nothav: :D
[22:50] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and causes some to never sleep or drop out of school (zagan)
[22:50] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope
[22:50] [XK]nothav: why
[22:50] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i cant sorry
[22:50] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im not that kinda girl
[22:50] [XK]nothav: Will you send erosion you're breast?
[22:50] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: not really
[22:50] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: are you the leader?
[22:50] [XK]nothav: what if he asked nicely?
[22:50] [XK]nothav: yes I am.
[22:50] [XK]nothav: I love breast
[22:51] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i see defintely reason why you're an asshole
[22:51] [XK]nothav: And I need to see them if you wanna join
[22:51] [XK]nothav: It's company policy
[22:51] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: becuase the leader tends to be egotistic and full of himself hehehe
[22:51] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont see that in you
[22:51] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i bet you're a nice guy
[22:51] [XK]nothav: not really
[22:51] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: well i could be wrong
[22:51] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: but hey who i am kidding
[22:52] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: if you want to be that way then i cant stop you
[22:52] [XK]nothav: really?
[22:52] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: but its going to come back on you
[22:52] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: its stupid dont you know that?
[22:52] [XK]nothav: What's stupid breast?
[22:52] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: why act like that tolds people you dont know?
[22:52] [XK]nothav: ImpossibleI love breast
[22:52] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea i bet
[22:52] [XK]nothav: therres nothing wrong with a good set
[22:52] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: you just said that
[22:52] [XK]nothav: Especially asians with big tits
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: hehehe right
[22:53] [XK]nothav: and this picture looks like big tits
[22:53] [XK]nothav: But it's not u
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: well i love them there mines
[22:53] [XK]nothav: because ur like 14
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: no im 25 hun
[22:53] [XK]nothav: thats pretty sad
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and unlike you i have a life
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i love gaming
[22:53] [XK]nothav: uh ye
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and i like to play games
[22:53] [XK]nothav: im sure
[22:53] [XK]nothav: get a job
[22:53] [XK]nothav: lol
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i have one
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: at walmart hehehe
[22:53] [XK]nothav: U would
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: funny you said that one
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im a bartender
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: partime
[22:54] [XK]nothav: do u fuck guys at the bar
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and cshier
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope though some guys be idiots and try to grab my arms
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and say dumbshit to me
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: but its a bar what you expect
[22:54] [XK]nothav: like HErrrrooo
[22:54] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: ??? lol
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i guess
[22:55] [XK]nothav: I'm so lonerlyyyy
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: never got that one
[22:55] [XK]nothav: so lonerlyyy
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: the go out and make friends
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: or cal a friend up
[22:55] [XK]nothav: and say charlie murphey says
[22:55] [XK]nothav: show me ur titites
[22:55] [XK]nothav: U ever get harassed online about ur tits
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: no then noone wouldnt hang around you
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: no i dont think that happened
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: before
[22:55] [XK]nothav: I'm 25
[22:55] [XK]nothav: I work at walart
[22:55] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: just the usual can i get your phone number
[22:56] [XK]nothav: walmart
[22:56] [XK]nothav: I lie about the bartending part
[22:56] [XK]nothav: I live at home
[22:56] [XK]nothav: and play halo
[22:56] [XK]nothav: and rub my pus when I get a 3s
[22:56] [XK]nothav: k
[22:56] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i bet you dont work at walmart
[22:56] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and you got a puss?
[22:56] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: wow
[22:56] [XK]nothav: I'm a REAL GIRL
[22:56] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: heard about xk having fake ones
[22:56] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: funny what would make a girl be a girl
[22:56] [XK]nothav: No we have a real girl here
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: or want to be one
[22:57] [XK]nothav: she's in her 30s
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea i know
[22:57] [XK]nothav: and she's much better than u
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: ofcourse
[22:57] [XK]nothav: cause you're terribad
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i wouldnt doub tit
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: am i i love the title
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: hehehe
[22:57] [XK]nothav: all you got going for u is ur tits
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: terribad
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nice one
[22:57] [XK]nothav: u should hit the corner
[22:57] [XK]nothav: and get to work
[22:57] [XK]nothav: make some real moneyy
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yep an dit got me a house a car and saved money in the bank
[22:57] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: thanks for knowing
[22:57] [XK]nothav: So U DO WORK AT THE PARLOR
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: thats fpr fpbs
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: fobs
[22:58] [XK]nothav: at the chinawong?
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope
[22:58] [XK]nothav: u make rice in the back?
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: sorry wrong girl
[22:58] [XK]nothav: Man I live in georgia
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: you do?
[22:58] [XK]nothav: Not a lot of azns there
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: well it is
[22:58] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: just in some parts
[22:58] [XK]nothav: what part do u live in
[22:59] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i live in riverdale
[22:59] [XK]nothav: Oh I live near atl
[22:59] [XK]nothav: whats ur adress
[22:59] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: you live outside the city?
[22:59] [XK]nothav: and social #
[22:59] [XK]nothav: telephone number?
[22:59] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: now you know i cant give that to you
[22:59] [XK]nothav: w
[22:59] [XK]nothav: y
[22:59] [XK]nothav: why not
[22:59] <High latency detected between you and the server. Your last few messages may not have been received.>
[22:59] [XK]nothav: ???
[22:59] [XK]nothav: please??
[23:00] <High latency detected between you and the server. Your last few messages may not have been received.>
[23:00] [XK]nothav: It'd be silly
[23:00] <High latency detected between you and the server. Your last few messages may not have been received.>
[23:00] [XK]nothav: credit card #?
[23:00] [XK]nothav: I have ur ip
[23:00] [XK]nothav: tracing it now
[23:00] <High latency detected between you and the server. Your last few messages may not have been received.>
[23:00] [XK]nothav: tracing ur address

Idk she got horsecocked and then was lying about how I'm tracing her or some shit hopefully that freaked her out and I deleted her, nub.

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Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#5 » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:57 pm

LO L L L LOLOLOLOL Hilarious video. The comments killed me. Whats this walmart employee's xfire?

Pøoscooper▓▒: I'm not telling you for my own safety
Pøoscooper▓▒: b/c if you know my SAT score, you'll know who I'm
Pøoscooper▓▒: that is why i act like a retard online
Pøoscooper▓▒: to protect my identity

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#6 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:35 am

LOOLL HAVOC! That was amazing.

I was playing L4D with Chron and she started messaging me, kind of ignored her but here it is

[23:09] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: erosion does it matter wether im good or not at halo?
[23:09] [XK]Erøsion: uh no
[23:10] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: then why is nothav hittin me up trying to rag me abou ta lost on a game i was putting little effort in i was having fun playing you and wether it was serious or not i enjoyed it
[23:10] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: hehehe
[23:10] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i was being mature the whole time he was calling himself being an asshole to me
[23:10] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and the only thing i did was be nice i dont fight over dumb shit like video games like zagan would
[23:11] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: lol
[23:12] [XK]Erøsion: idk
[23:12] [XK]Erøsion: im not him
[23:12] [XK]Erøsion: so why should i kno
[23:12] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: its all fun
[23:12] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: becuase he takes halo too seriously
[23:12] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and attacking me about something so petty is immature
[23:13] [XK]Erøsion: lol
[23:13] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: anyway he's noone impotant to think about
[23:14] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i never said i was better than you at halo
[23:14] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im good yes but their are others who are better
[23:14] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and i told you that
[23:14] [XK]Erøsion: loll
[23:15] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im not making an excuse for a lose becuase it is what it is just that a loss wether it was serious or not i just hope you dont affiliate yourself with that kind of drama
[23:15] [XK]Erøsion: i rly dont care
[23:15] [XK]Erøsion: one way or another
[23:15] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont either honestly
[23:16] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: just game and unlike some peopel its not that important to me i like halo and i like to play it as well as any other game.
[23:17] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: him saying rude shit to me just prove how much of a moron he is thats all to it. anyway ilet you get back to you game sorry to bother you.
[23:18] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: playing you in halo is what i needed to get better at it. have to lose for you to win right?
[23:18] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: hehehe well ttyl
[23:20] <shenje is now playing Halo>
[23:33] <shenje stopped playing Halo>
[00:54] <This user is now offline>

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=The General=
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Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#7 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:04 pm

[22:31] [XK]nothav: Was rusty playing?


[22:45] [XK]nothav: I'm so cute
[22:45] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: awesome
[22:45] [XK]nothav: aren't I cuteeee?
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: yeap never knew your mother was a horse
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and she gave birth to a jackass
[22:46] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: quite entertaining

[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: and unlike you i have a life
[22:53] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i love gaming

heh, what a fucking contradiction
[22:57] [XK]nothav: all you got going for u is ur tits


[22:59] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: i live in riverdale

wtf. That's like 45 mins from where I am.

But it's not surprising. Alot of people in Georgia still play halo pc surprisingly. Even on my college's campus we have white fat kids gathering around the computer playing no shield sniper games, when I glance over the computer hubs. I can tell they all suck at the game though. I'd join up and school some of those characters, but then my social life would pretty much be slaughtered at that exact moment if someone else was to catch me there. I'd have to kiss party invites goodbye. :bonk:
[23:14] (BL)EXOTICGIRL: im good yes but their are others who are better

She's either indenial, or has like 50x the size of my own ego.
{Pro}Trip: 10.) Being inspired to do drugs. I never did any drugs and only smoked pot like one time before I joined [XK].

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#8 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:43 pm

[XK]Mátêrìã wrote:
But it's not surprising. Alot of people in Georgia still play halo pc surprisingly. Even on my college's campus we have white fat kids gathering around the computer playing no shield sniper games, when I glance over the computer hubs. I can tell they all suck at the game though. I'd join up and school some of those characters, but then my social life would pretty much be slaughtered at that exact moment if someone else was to catch me there. I'd have to kiss party invites goodbye. :bonk:

WTF! Lot of kids on my campus I see playing halo like late at night on wireless with each other. They all suck and I see them playing like no shields ctf on death island or some shit with banshees galore and like 267 ping servers. I'm guessing they are probably on 04 or some other worthless download-able version of Halo. I'm really surprised so many people play this game.

Of course that being said: ... games_2008

OLD but still.

Posts: 1621

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#9 » Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:24 am

As much as i wish that was true, its not lol...

and @ that chick, i didnt watch the vid but im sure i didnt miss much...
Any chick who uses names like Erotic or Sexy or shit like that, you know there either Fat, ugly, or a dude.
nick weekie of langer home alonez says:
i heard a song on a radio that reminded me of scene and i jizzed in my pants


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=The General=
Posts: 1908

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#10 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:47 am

Does this girl have pix?

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#11 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:34 pm

She always has a pic of her as her avatar. She came in ts for like 5 minutes.

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-Forum Whore-
Posts: 2128

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#12 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:06 pm

you sure its a girl?
Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#13 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:59 am

Lol so I added thie gal and borrowed some ideas from hav's convo

(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hey there you gsve me an add request?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: so wassup?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ya hey
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: nothing much studying
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: anatomy test
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: just now got home from work
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you in college?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ya
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well used to be
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: georgia state
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: university
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ahh
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: now im agns scott
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: is that a university?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: all girl college
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: lol wow
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: why go there?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well i dunno finish out my webdesign degree and film
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: no but why an all girl college?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: oh well i dunno i just randomly pick one
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ???
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: and i pick that one
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: its a good college
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: so in choosing something as important as ur college, u pick one out from a box?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hahaha i guess you can say that
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: kinda like inny minny miiny moe
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you know?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: most girls i know wouldnt dream of going to an all girls colelge
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well yea but i wanted to see what is it like there
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: lotta nice girls
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: how do u meet guys? or do avoid them?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: though we have boys sneak on campus
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: to see their girlfriends
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont avoid guys
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i guess i never thought about dating seriously
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i'll have aboyfriend then end up breaking up like a month later
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wut???
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: how old are u?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ur 25 and uve never envisioned going out on a serious date?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: no comprendo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well they were never seriously with me
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: just players
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: or liars
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: things like that
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i got tired of it
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: well u need to make it obvious from the start ur only looking for serious guys
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: date numero uno
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i try believe me
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but they get intimidated
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i can see that
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: can you believe they say the dumbshit things
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: to get my attention though?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh rlly
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i mean you should here what they say
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: corny pick up lines
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ROFL
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u mean in a club or a bar?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: and also i had this one guy who just handed me his phone and say just put your number in and we'll talk
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i look at him like dude gtfo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: no on the train
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: pickup lines on a train
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea the ones on the train are the funnier guys
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ya i dont blame u for avoiding them
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: well thats good i thought u avoided coed schools for something else
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i slap this one guy for having a boner and putting it on my ass on purpose i was pissed at him cussing him out
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: like anal rape or like bukkake experiences
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: that would be horrible
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hahahaha porn shit hahaha were that come from
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea guys are like that
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but not all just some
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: liike i can deal with assholes
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i deal with them daily
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u mean wanting anal sex or having a crazy facial fetish??
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: even rude guys who say dumbshit to try to piss me off
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: all guys do
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i can imajine what a guy thinks daiy
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: very laughablr
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: tits football tits football tits football
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but women think the same way also as much as i dont want to say it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: cock/work/cook cock work cook
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: see? similiar isnt it
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i see a pattern emerging
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: but they dont fantasize about anal sex and facials
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: oh yea? how so?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: that is the difference
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea your right
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i was going to play maxpayne today the old one
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: o that game was tight
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but i dunno got so much things to do around the house
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: play it for a bit
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i love the second one
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: get one bullet time head shot and stop
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: wish it got a 3rd installment
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: yea
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im okay when it comes to counterstrikebut its just so many hackers on it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i gave up on it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: 20 bucks down the drain
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: lol well not really
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea your right atleast i have the game just in case i want to play again
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i mean usually its blatantly obvious if their hacking. no guesswork like in halo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i just box rainbow six vega 2
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: never tried any of the rainbow six games
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: still having installed it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: the specs on it are too much for my comp
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: so im going to get a better card later
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: what do u have?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: 256 nvidia gt
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh 9800 gt ultimate here
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: =P
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: maybe if u buy a abetter card, u can get some kills on erosion
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: like improve up to 25-1 or even 25-2
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hahaha well on that note i just wanted to see how he plays
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: inever played an xk
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: beforesince peopel talk about you
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: so you can say i wanted to feel him out and see his skill he's good
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh what did they say about xk
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well some say your good
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: and other say you're the least important clan in the halo community
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: no one says we're bad? well thats a relief
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: phew
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: and others say you guys talk so much shit
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i was like wow
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: gotta feel the love
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont bag on players
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: its retarded and besides halo is just a game
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ya i mean it doesnt matter if ur really bad at it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: its not my life or my things to get pissed off over a game seriously
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: sometimes u beat people 25-0
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i havent personally
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: but sometimes
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: it happens
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont keep up with current events aroudn the community
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but yea sometimes when you dont try to win and just test peoiple ability you'll end up being beat that much
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh but ur pretty good right?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea i didnt put much effort into that match up thats me for ya
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i test and lose then study a player and try to beat them again
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: liike u seem like u know ur way around the game
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: thats how i am
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: or i guess you can call it a strategy
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dunno peopel say its weird
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: someone told me that last night
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: naa sometimes when u lose really really badly, u need to rethink ur strategy
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: its smart
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: ofcourse
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: no doubt about that
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you lose only to win
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: thats my matter
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: so u think u can beat erosion next time?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: who knows i enjoyed playing with him
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: an di see what you're doing by the way hahaha
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im just playing along
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im a nice person
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: so make love not war right?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wut?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: what am i doing?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you know the mention of the match and then erosion name
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: o_O
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: is it that serious?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i said it was?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i never said i was this great halo player im just a good medium player
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i love playing higher level players
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: cuz you get better when you play with higher level players
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: thats why
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: good medium players wont lose 25-0
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: cannot compute????
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont care if i lose so what a loss is a loss nothing important to me
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: he was better
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh yea its nothing to worry about
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: no big deal
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: or get worked up about
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but obvious people ar emaking a big deal about it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im amazed
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yep sur eisnt
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i mean sometimes u just lack the skill/ hand eye coordination/ strategy needed and lose really badly
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: like u know 8-25
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: or 10-25
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i doub tthat but thats an opinion once again
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh no im not talking about u
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea for every clan there is a better one
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: for every player their is a higher skilled player
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: im talking about people who lose 8-25 or 10-25 maybe
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: those are really bad losses
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i seen it happened
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but its nothing bad about it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you gave it your best and tried
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: whats os wrong about losing at halo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: its not like its the olympics
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: whats wrong about losing the olympics?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i congradulate any noob or new person who tries at halo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: nothing wrong with it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: even though i hardly watch it
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: and i congratulate u for trying
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: very commendable
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: why thank you
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: is that ur pic?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: though i hate it
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: too bright
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u work out?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: thank you again
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea i try too anyway
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: lol eveyrone needs to
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: dont i know hehehe
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: if not then you goet fat
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ya
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: are those chachas real?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: all mine
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u think they'd make up for "medium good" player skill in halo?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hahaha i never heard of that but nope
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im satisfied with my medium good skill
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ur satisfied with losing 25-0?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: listen
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: never better
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: all u got is ur tits
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i doubt that i got friends and family
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: and my life
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: thats all i need
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u dont need breasts??????
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: halo isnt my life but maybe it might be yours or anyone else
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: breats come with the package hun
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i am a woman
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: god created me
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: cant help that
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: did he give u tits to make up for halo skill?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: he needs to be more generous
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yep but the halo skill i developed on my own yep
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: good old fashion medium skill
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: gotta love it just drunk me a cup of it this morning
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: theres nothing good or old fashioned about going 25-0
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: why do u keep calling it that
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yea if you werent trying hehehe but noone would ever know what im like in halo (really) i dont usually tak eit that seriously
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: now counterstrike man i try so dam hard
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but i need to defintey get good and that game
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: yea hopefully almsot as good as u are in halo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: yep defintely
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wow i just notcied ur shoulders
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: they are breathtaking
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: ??? my shoulders?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hahahaha
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: that is the biggest turn on
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: what does that have to do with me being beautiful
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: a good pair of shoulders
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: oh you'r edifferent
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i never had anyone tell me that
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: shoulders are under appreicated
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: they are?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: they beam elegance and feminism
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well yea you right
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: guys comment on the usually things
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but enver the things they dont see or notice
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: well maybe uve been seeing the wrong kind of guys
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: not saying im the right kind
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: im a douchebvag
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: well that i can see
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: is al xk douche bags
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: or is that a mtyh
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wut? why do u say that? we at XK treat individuals both known and unknown to use with the utmost kindness and respect
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: seem like you got zagan pretty worked up about it
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: LOL
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: poor guy
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ya he's pretty sad
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: yo u got more pics of ur shoulders?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: he eats sleep and drink halo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i think peopel like that are sad and pathetic
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: like just the shoulders, no need for face or anything
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: they put so much of there time into halo and none into their life
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: shoulder pics?????
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh and id appreciate wearing a paper bag
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: dam we gotta tornado warning for this county
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u know to not get any face in the pic
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: no paper bags are annoying
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: no please cover the face. that would totally destroy my boner
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i like it off lotta people say im beautiful and nothing to hide for me
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wtfff
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: all im asking is shoulder pics
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: destroy your boner dont forget the viagra hun
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you're being sarcastic and im being casual
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: why are u getting so worked up over me asking for shoulder pics?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: then why dont u send any?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: my friend is laughing right now
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ????
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: this is funny?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i admire ur shoulders and want to see them from another angle/angles
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: im not asking for nudes
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you xk are weird
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wtf
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wait
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: is snowkat good
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: ur saying u cant show ur shoulder?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: there is something wrong in that????
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: is it taboo ?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: the unholy shoulder?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: there is something wrong with a random guy asking for shoulder pictures
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: hilarious
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: k ill un-randomize myself
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: unholy my shoulder?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: 20, m, TX
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: there
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: pics pls
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: 25 f ga there
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: yaay so i know u, u know me
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: WTF??????
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: not on this computer anyway
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: what is wrong with u?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: its just a shoulder
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: im not asking for pics of u with a horse cock up ur ass
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: 20 years old are you talkin to me like that
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: SHOULDERS now pronto
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: chop chop
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: must be my medium skill at halo
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: gotta love it
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: fine
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: what do you like about xk answer me that?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im curious
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: well we often beat people really bad
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: like 25-8
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: 25-6
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont even know of heard of you guys untill i stumbled upon a friends link to zagans page
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: then thats when i started reading the history of pro clan and everything followed behind that
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: there
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u knwo eveyrthing u need to know about XK and us
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: shoulder pics
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: thanks
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: not enoug obviously
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: but i just know but the moany funnier things people tell me
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: why are u still talking??
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: i said shoulder pics
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: why ar eyou?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: i dont take pictures of my shoulders
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: how abou tyou send a pic
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: im asking u for shoulder pics and ur talking random shit
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: so ar eyou
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: oh sure
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u want apic of me?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: cept your shit is more randomness than mine
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: wtf
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: why are u acting so weird
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: you know the horse cock and the medium skill?
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: im acting like you
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: what about horsecock?
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: lol
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: lsitening to the news
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: about this tornado
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: k well im off to college
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: okay farewell
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: u just dotn get mad eh
(BL)EXOTICGIRL: nope its just a game
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: Keep a couple pics ready before I come back. And don't forget the paper bag.
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: Confuscious say "china girl with man shoulders and porky face no good bang bang"

Pøoscooper▓▒: I'm not telling you for my own safety
Pøoscooper▓▒: b/c if you know my SAT score, you'll know who I'm
Pøoscooper▓▒: that is why i act like a retard online
Pøoscooper▓▒: to protect my identity

=The General=
Posts: 6604

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#14 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:09 pm

{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: Keep a couple pics ready before I come back. And don't forget the paper bag.
{xk} Lite`-Public Hêro: Confuscious say "china girl with man shoulders and porky face no good bang bang"


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-Forum Whore-
Posts: 2128

Re: This Chick I 1v1ed

Post#15 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:23 pm

Chemtrails conspiracy?
Think about it: The pilots of those jets who spray chemicals are inflicting harm upon themselves because once they land, they get to enjoy the chemical bath along with everyone else.

Chewy: [XK]... the clan you would blow a goat to be in
Garniso: [XK]... where we shoot the messenger and take pride doing it

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